This artisan sourdough is a true labour of love that makes a wonderful loaf to share with friends. Full of incredible sweet and savoury flavours, it pairs perfectly with soup, stews and shakshuka, or with cheese and a really great chutney or pickle - we recommend Wight Little Pickle or Onion Marmalade with Garlic.
If you don't have a starter, consider borrowing some from a friend or order online. The effort is well and truly worth it!
75g starter
350g warm water
300g strong white bread flour
200g artisan wholegrain flour
10g sea salt
2 garlic bulbs
Olive oil
In a bowl whisk together the water and starter, then tip in the flours. Mix with a wooden spoon, then use your hands to ensure no dry bits of flour remain. Put a towel over the bowl and place somewhere warm.
After half an hour, tip in the salt, dampen your hand and pinch it into the dough, moving the dough around until the salt is thoroughly mixed in. Place the towel back over the bowl and put it back in the warm place.
After half an hour, perform a set of stretch and folds by pulling the dough up and across to the other side. Repeat three additional times, turning the bowl a quarter of a turn each time. Rest for an additional half an hour and repeat again. Leave the dough to bulk ferment for another 3-4 hours until doubled in size.
Preheat the oven to 200C. Cut off the ends of the garlic bulbs, place them in an oven dish, drizzle with olive oil, cover with foil and bake for around 30 minutes until the garlic smells sweet and the cloves are soft. Pop the garlic out of its skin and into a bowl, mash together and allow to cool.
Flour your bench and turn out the dough. With lightly floured hands, stretch it out until you have a rough rectangle. Use a fork to spread the roasted garlic over the surface. Working from the left, fold the dough over itself, encasing the garlic inside. Repeat the same from the right until you have a neat package, then from the bottom, roll the dough up like a sausage roll. Dust flour over the surface and transport it to a lined bannetton or teatowel lined bowl. Cover and place in the fridge overnight.
Preheat your oven to 230C (or as hot as it goes) and place a Dutch oven or casserole with lid inside. Preheat for one hour. Remove the dough from the fridge, sprinkle with semolina and flip out onto a baking sheet. Use a bread lame, knife or scissors to slash the surface of the dough, then place in the hot Dutch oven for half an hour. Remove the lid, reduce the temperature to 215C and bake for an additional 15 minutes.